Designers in Action! Sustainability Study Grant Programme

How to apply

Participation in the programme is subject to the submission of all required materials by 20 September 2023


Applicants must:

  1. be up to 26 years old on 31 December 2023 and resident in a European country
  2. be 18 years old by 31 December 2023 and have graduated from high school by September 2023
  3. prove that they belong to an income bracket of no more than Euro 35,000, by submitting an ISEE University or Current ISEE form
  4. speak the language in which the course is delivered
  5. not already have a diploma from IED, Accademia Galli, or a similar school (for further details, refer to the attached Regulations)

The Francesco Morelli Foundation, IED, and Accademia Galli seek to encourage and celebrate students involved in voluntary activities, promoting awareness of inclusion, environmental, economic, and social sustainability topics. With this aim, they are granting 40 study grants, each valued at Euro 4,000, to partially offset tuition costs for three-year and post-graduate courses in the domains of Design, Fashion, Visual Arts, Communication, and Restoration.

How we select eligible students

Projects will be assessed by a panel comprising the Sustainability Hub Team, in addition to department heads and teachers from the schools of Design, Fashion, Visual Arts, Communication, and Restoration, assigning a score from 0 to 5 based on the following criteria:

  • Consistency with the theme
  • Originality and perceptiveness of the idea and proposal
  • Genuine and tangible commitment to environmental sustainability
  • Project efficacy

Applicants whose projects receive a score of 12 or above will be invited to interview, in which the following criteria will be scored from 0 to 5:

  • Candidate motivation;
  • Intellectual vivacity and personal interests;
  • Communication skills.

The total points achieved by the candidates in both assessments will determine the final ranking.

The competition is over.